Cold Brew

What You’ll Need

  • 283 grams of specialty-grade whole bean coffee (one 10oz bag)

  • Filtered water, room temperature or colder

  • Scale

  • Any 2.5 liter or larger container (non-reactive stockpot, giant measuring cup, iced tea pitcher, anything)

  • A second large container

  • Fine mesh strainer

  • Burr grinder

  • Paper filter (optional)


Grind the beans very coarse. The grounds should feel gritty and have easily distinguishable pieces/chunks.


Put grounds in your large container. Pour in 1700 mL of cold/room temperature water.


Stir for 10-15 seconds. There are a lot of coffee grounds and not a whole lot of water (this is brewing a concentrate) so stirring will help actually get all the grounds wet and contributing to the extraction.


Cover the container and either leave it out at room temperature or put it in your refrigerator. Wait 14-18 hours (shorter if left at room temperature, longer if left in your refrigerator).


Pour all the water/grounds through a fine mesh strainer into your second large container. You can also pour it through the paper filter of your choice (V60, Chemex, Kalita, etc) if desired. Paper filtration will remove more sediment and give you a cleaner cup but you will likely have some issues with the filter clogging. Cheesecloth can work pretty well too for filtration.


You now have a cold brew concentrate. Before you drink this, we recommend diluting it at a ratio of one part concentrate to one part water or milk. If you brewed it at room temperature you’ll probably want a few ice cubes but if you brewed it in the fridge ice is not necessary. Enjoy, and don’t forget to re-cover and refrigerate your leftover concentrate! It should stay good for about a week.