New Roast Profiles!

First, here are the roast profiles that are NOT changing:

  • Dark Vibes (Dark Roast House Blend)

  • Good Vibes (Medium Roast House Blend)

  • Old School Espresso (Medium Roast Espresso Blend)

  • Colombia Giraldo (Medium Roast Single Origin)

  • Stimulus (Light Roast House Blend)

  • DECAF Colombia (Light Roast Single Origin)

All of our light roast single origin coffees, including our Black Label series coffees, are now being roasted very slightly lighter than we have roasted them in the past. What does this mean? This means that you can expect slightly more acidity & clarity of flavor in the cup at the expense of body, and, perhaps very slightly, sweetness. That said, we have carefully selected our light roast single origin coffees to have tremendous sweetness to begin with, so they absolutely will not just taste sour or bitter.

These new roast profiles are NOT full-on Nordic style roasts (though they are quite close), which can exhibit flavors like peanuts, wood, vegetable soup, and grass. We avoid these kinds of flavors at all costs. These new profiles are designed to give the best overall combination of clarity, acidity, juiciness, and sweetness. Our previous light roast profiles were designed to give the best overall combination of juiciness and sweetness, with clarity and acidity taking a little bit of a backseat.

Why the change? Your feedback! It has become quite clear to us over time that a majority of you who really enjoy light roasts would prefer them to be just a tiny bit lighter than how we had been roasting our light roasts.

What’s the catch? Well, it must be said that the lighter a roast is, the harder it is to get a high enough extraction for it to taste balanced. That has always been, and remains, a concern of ours, but we think you’re up to the task. If you ever have issues dialing in a coffee, shoot us an email at and we’ll be more than happy to help!

Finally, of course, if you prefer a more sugar-browning forward flavor profile that has more body and sweetness at the expense of acidity and clarity, our Stimulus blend is still a great option, as are our medium and dark roast offerings. The idea here is that there’s something for everyone!


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