
What You’ll Need

  • 15 grams of specialty-grade whole bean coffee

  • Filtered water
    (210-211 degrees F)

  • Kettle

  • Scale

  • Timer

  • Aeropress & Filters

  • Burr Grinder


Rinse Aeropress brew chamber: Put two filters (two gives you a much cleaner coffee) into the cap and lock it in place, holes down. Rinse with hot water into vessel and discard hot water.


Grind size: Fine table salt (coarser than espresso, finer than drip). Pour 15g of grinds into Aeropress. Place Aeropress over a vessel on top of scale. Zero your scale.


Start timer: Pour 240g water into Aeropress, wetting all the coffee as quickly as possible. Stir four circles–two clockwise, two counterclockwise. Insert plunger and pull up slightly to lock the vacuum.


Remove AeroPress and vessel from scale (so you don't over stress the scale when you press down). At 1:45 on the timer, begin pressing the plunger, gently. After 15-20 seconds of pressing, you will hear a hissing sound. Stop pressing. Adjust grind size to adjust taste.

Quick Tips: Avoid using the "inverted" Aeropress method if you want to keep the Aeropress tasting clean and from retaining coffee oils, especially in the rubber plunger. A clean brewing device equals a cleaner tasting cup of coffee, so clean all your brewing devices frequently. Maintaining consistency when flipping the Aeropress is also difficult (it can also be messy!).

A nice video review and recipe below by Tim Wendelboe of Norway: